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Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:08 pm
by Sanctuary
Yeah he was awesome. Please tell me what type of LP he is playing. I couldn't figure it out - only two knobs on it.

Fuck I can't believe it's the last ever Sabbath gig with Ozzy in Brumby tomorrow. Mind you "Never say never (die)", right?

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:17 pm
by Danger Mouse
I couldn't work it out, didn't get a clear view of the headstock. Looked a slightly different shape to Slash's LP.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:19 pm
by willow13
Sanctuary wrote:Sounds like my experience at Motley Crue. Found myself wishing for it to end especially after Alice Cooper's fantastic performance. Hmmm, Wellington was awesome for GnR (this from someone who is not really a "fan") but maybe the weather added to the atmosphere or something.
I was the same at the AC/DC gig in 1991? (razors edge tour)...bored shitless after 30mins

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:22 pm
by Lyle
Sanctuary wrote:Yeah he was awesome. Please tell me what type of LP he is playing. I couldn't figure it out - only two knobs on it.
Scala Underdog?

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:24 pm
by Sanctuary
Lyle wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:Yeah he was awesome. Please tell me what type of LP he is playing. I couldn't figure it out - only two knobs on it.
Scala Underdog?
Consider me edumacated. That would be it. Thank you.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:52 pm
by Polar Bear
Polar Bear wrote:
hamo wrote:
Axl changed his outfit about 6 times, which is about 5 times less than Slash and Fortus changed guitars. Slash rocked a couple of LPs, a Mock and 2 Bichs, an 18 string SG and what looked to be a double neck Schecter maybe - the shape reminded me of a Tempest, but I'm not confident on that. Fortus seemed to be more in the Gretsch camp, but apart from a White Falcon, I was less confident identifying his guitars. Duff stuck with the same bass all night, with a Prince symbol decal on the body.
BTW: those Fortus guitars that aren't Gretsch are Scala Guitars.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:10 am
by slash-ed
Well I had a fucking fantastic time.

Axl hasn't been this on top of his vocal game in decades. Only one or two spots where he was a little out of breath or singing the lower harmony to conserve his voice, but 95% of the time he went for the high notes and by god he freaking hit them.

I thought Slash's playing was fantastic. Much more interesting playing and less phoning in standard gibberish licks than the last time I saw him with Myles. Great tone too.

Richard Fortus is a monster player but at the end of the day he has "session-itis" - he can play any style perfectly, but to me he doesn't have a distinctive personality to his playing. Slash plays 4 notes and you know it's him, instantly.

The way I see it, this is the closest you can get to the Use Your Illusion DVDs that I watched 100 times growing up. They're "tolerating" each other on stage, they have big areas to themselves and mostly don't hang out together much, but vocally and instrumentally they're near the top of their game. I'm satisfied.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:26 am
by Danger Mouse
Polar Bear wrote: BTW: those Fortus guitars that aren't Gretsch are Scala Guitars.
He was rocking a 335ish (very ish) Trussart last night as well.

They did finally seem to get it together at the end/encore, so they at least finished on a high note. Overall, I'm sticking with pretty average though.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:41 am
by HappyEnding
Danger Mouse wrote:Hour and a half into the set and I have to say, I'm fucking bored. I'm surfing NZG instead of watching the band for a start...
I'm glad you were bored. Eases my pain a bit.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:43 am
by HappyEnding
Sanctuary wrote:Sounds like my experience at Motley Crue. Found myself wishing for it to end especially after Alice Cooper's fantastic performance. Hmmm, Wellington was awesome for GnR (this from someone who is not really a "fan") but maybe the weather added to the atmosphere or something.
I went to that at Vector Arena. Motley were minus their pyro and Tommy's rollercoaster. Disappointing as the spectacle is half the show. Especially their pyro. Coop had Frankenstein, Nita Strauss and a slutty nurse for the win.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:00 am
by StratMatt
For me that was one of the most enjoyable concerts I've been to. Had a really good view up in the cheap seats, sounded good and everyone around me was in the mood.

I thought Axl hit everything pretty damn well, a bit out of breath and end but fuck, who wouldn't be? Slash just fucking killed it all night and I didn't realise how good Fortis was. Felt like he was just waiting in the wings ready to tear Slash a new one lol. Can't deny Slash has far more style though. WYWH was a cool surprise.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:18 am
by werdna
Ed nailed it. No love between them on stage. No joyful vibes for Axl or Duff, just a determination to do the show well. Slash cut the figure of an outlier, often on the edge of the stage, head down, deep into his playing. And he was in top form. He showed nice finger picking to add to his already wide vocab of styles. Fortis has awesome chops but not in the deep vein of classic rock mined by Slash.

Axl put to rest any doubt that he is a hell of a good singer. Axl's vocal range is pretty much good for any key. You can only say that about a few of the greats. Imagine Bruce Springsteen trying to sing any of the set list last night. Full marks for the cover of "The Seeker" by the Who - a tasteful choice of an overlooked but great rocker from 1968.

Axl wore a lot of very vulgar rings, and when the camera focussed on his piano hands in September Rain, I thought I was at a concert by the late Liberace. Axl also kept changing his tee shirts and the lumberjack shirts that he wears tied around his waste as a kind of blue collar rock star accessory - not because he was worried it might get cold out. While I liked Duff's tee shirt message "No fucks given", to live that attitude you can't be working for the man - but if I won the lottery etc.

Now the guitars. Fortis generally played some big ugly things based on classic designs but with a pawn shop makeover. However he had a really nice 59 reissue, with a huge tasteful top. Slash's double necks were lovely to behold. Slash's green LP and the AFD LP were beauties, but his ugly LP plaintops held the day. In contrast to the beauty of his playing, his main guitar was a three piece top reliced turd coloured piece of butt ugliness. Stick that up your pipe, plain top lovers.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:14 am
by jimi
I was up in the cheap seats, had an amazing view, and great sound. Thought it was a great performance, very polished. Who really expected them to be getting along on stage anyway? That was a monster set, wasnt expecting them to go for almost 3hrs, and with almost no breaks.

Guitar wise, I counted 3 mockingbird/bich guitars, 2 doublenecks, and atleast 6 LPs for Slash.

Loved it.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:09 pm
by Sanctuary
9 noise complaints. It's fucking Western Springs you muppets! Haha. I swear I could hear sound-check from Frank Kitt's park on the hugely windy day prior to the concert in Wellington. That's like almost 2 kilometres away.

Re: G'N'F'N'R'S NZ Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:08 pm
by Scooter13
werdna wrote: Axl also kept changing his tee shirts and the lumberjack shirts that he wears tied around his waste as a kind of blue collar rock star accessory - not because he was worried it might get cold out.
His plaid shirts are actually pinned or sewn in to the top of his jeans as part of his costume. Would be annoying pulling them up and retying them the whole time if they were just loosely hanging there :lol: