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NZ Musician Review: This Theory Of Static - Electricity

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 1:08 pm
This Theory Of Static: Electricity

This ‘band’ has existed since 1998, the vision of Rotorua composer Dean Young who began slowly writing this music, trusting that one day he would find the band to do the compositions justice.

This has now happened, and since 2007 this beast has comprised Jerome Buckleigh on guitar, Matt Burling on bass, Luke Hale on drums, with keyboards by Adam Vink – originally called breathingunderwater until discovering an American emo act with the same moniker.

There’s plenty of emotion in this music, but it sure aint emo! There’s no getting away from the overwhelming Tool influence, but having said that, if we're dealing with that level of originality and passion, it just tells you what a quality release this is.

The initial dedication to the craft is to be commended. There’s huge production on songs that are epic in scope, brilliant graphics, and plenty of food for thought both musically and lyrically. There’s nothing rushed or forced here, this is outstanding considering its humble beginnings on a digital 8 track, with later production work in a project studio in West Auckland.

Young’s got talent in buckets. As well as writing all the music and lyrics (except three tracks penned with Buckleigh), he provides voice, guitars and programming.

Tool fans and those who appreciate somber but uplifting alternative rock should check this out.

- Ana Glowacz: NZ Musician Magazine, April/May 2009

Re: NZ Musician Review: This Theory Of Static - Electricity

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 1:25 pm
by DarcyPerry
What was the studio?

Re: NZ Musician Review: This Theory Of Static - Electricity

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 12:14 pm
DarcyPerry wrote:What was the studio?
Mine, we recorded the drums in Devonport and did the rest here - editing/processing etc.