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Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:08 pm
Just got put on to these guys, never even heard of them before.
Ended up getting the album (take note marketing c**ts - SALES THROUGH ILLEGAL COPIES).

Elbow - "The Seldom Seen Kid"

Bought it after hearing "The Bones Of You". Can't really explain why, but I'm just really loving this song right now!
Unfortunately for me, that song is probably the highlight of the album (was expecting/hoping for an album of similar mind-blow s***, lol). BUT, having said that, it's still a very, very good album!

Definitely not to everyones' taste, leaning more towards the alternative easy listening.

While the album has a cohesive sameness to the songs, there's a bit of variety in there. Overall reminds me of the likes of Peter Gabriel, Seal, Muse; hints of european traditional stylings throughout.

Re: Elbow

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:52 pm
by GrantB
I understand what you mean about their overall performance. I find a song or two stands out but the rest of their stuff fades into the background, or otherwise annoys the crap out of me. His voice can get a bit droning...was this their past album?

Re: Elbow

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:42 pm
Don't know anything about them, any of their other albums or songs etc.
But this one came out in 2008.