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Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:14 pm
by Kris
I think its a solid idea still having both-this forum proves there is never an "end solution" to ones tonal journey and its all that behind the scenes nagging in your brain of" oh my XYZ had more punch" or maybe "i need to switch from a deluxe reverb to a engl".Good to have both as a yardstick to slap your brain out of it.

Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:50 am
by sirvill
Kemper... Unethical?


Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:26 am
by slash-ed
Am I the only person who sees a duration of 28 minutes and 33 seconds and instantly goes HELL NO?

My attention span is way too short haha.

Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:31 am
by jeremyb
LOL Nope, me too, TL;DW!

Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:35 am
by JHorner
slash-ed wrote:Am I the only person who sees a duration of 28 minutes and 33 seconds and instantly goes HELL NO?
Same I would normally never sit through that. But I was waiting for the Mrs to get ready. 5 mins! 5 mins goes by. 5 mins more! e.t.c So I had this guys rant on in the background and actually heard all 30 mins of it.
sirvill wrote:Kemper... Unethical?
I can see his point with buy-to-rip-then-return. But he doesn't have any evidence of that happening large scale besides hearsay from 1 single amp manufacturer.

The rest of that 30 mins is just "Home Taping is Killing Music" repackaged.

Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:51 am
by sirvill
Yeah I had some time to kill :D Plus his odd german accent is surprisingly hypnotic
JHorner wrote:
sirvill wrote:Kemper... Unethical?
I can see his point with buy-to-rip-then-return. But he doesn't have any evidence of that happening large scale besides hearsay from 1 single amp manufacturer.

The rest of that 30 mins is just "Home Taping is Killing Music" repackaged.

Yeah indeed. I doubt his claim that "amp sales are down across the board" (implying its because of the Kemper) is actually true at all. Given how niche the Kemper is.

Plus who is actually buying an amp, profiling it, then sending it back? You'd just buy a profile wouldn't you? You'd need a really great studio to get a good profile, which the vast majority of people don't have.

Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:21 pm
by vyfster
"when buying the amp you're buying a license to play that sound" - WTF! No, I've purchased the fucking amp. It belongs to me to use as I bloody well please!

I get what he is trying to say, and I do agree with it somewhat. However, the argument he uses pushes all my buttons and makes me want to tell him to get off his high horse.

Re: Mini Gearfest w/ Digital things!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:12 pm
by jeremyb
Given most amps are copies of old designs with minor tweaks I don't think the amp manufacturers can be all high and mighty really!